Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
Five for Friday!
1.) Today is my birthday! I am so blessed to see another year. I am so grateful for all the things that God has given me and how He has been there for me through all the good and difficult times. I have learned so much about me and what I want out of life. These past 30-something years have been such a learning experience for me and I can't wait to see what the next thirty-plus years will bring.
2.) I spent the morning with my daughter Chloe at her school. She got an award for Academic Achiever and I am so proud of her! She is such a girly-girl and I love her so, so much!

4.) I was cleaning out my bathroom cabinet and was about to throw away my husband's empty eye drop bottles when I was hit with a really cute idea-I could use them as mini glue bottles and the kiddos can't make a big mess!
5.) I am currently working on a Community Helpers Package and a Place Value Package. I hope to finish both packages by mid next week which was my goal last week :/ 

Saturday, January 5, 2013
Year in Review!
Happy New Year! Are you a Common Core Junkie? Well, this package will be a great addition to your addiction . I created this package using the Common Core Standards for grades K-1st. It is filled with worksheets and hands-on activities-more than 50 pages! Also, some of the activities if not all of them can be laminated and used with your learning centers.
Let's See What's Inside! :
-Counting Chart Activities (pgs. 3-7)
-Counting How Many (pgs. 8-13)
-What’s That Number ?(pgs. 14-15)
-Number Order 0-20 (pg. 16)
-More, Less or the Same (pgs. 17-18)
-Comparing Numbers w/ activity cards >,<,= (pgs. 19-22)
-Counting in the New Year (pgs. 23-24)
-Who’s In First? (pgs.25-26)
-Make It Ten! {Word Problems} (pgs. 27-28)
-Blank Template ( pgs. 29-30)
-Subtraction Practice w/ 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, & 5s (pgs. 31-35)
-Stamp the Place Value (pgs. 36-37)
-True or False-Addition and Subtraction Equations w/Answer Key (pgs. 38-41)
-Base Ten Counting (pgs. 42-43)
-What Time Is It ? & Clock Template (pgs. 44-47)
-Graphing in the New Year (pg.57)
-Shaping Up the New Year (pgs. 58-61)
-Let’s Fix That Sentence!/commas, periods, question marks, -exclamation marks (pg.62)
-Awesome Adjectives (pgs. 63-64)
-Searching for Nouns and Verbs (pg.65)
-Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns (pg.66)
-Past-Present-Future Tense (pg. 67)
-Singular and Plural Verbs (pg. 68)
-Conjunctions (pg. 69)
-Prepositions (pg. 70-71)
-Common and Proper Noun Cookies (pgs. 73-74)
-Capitalization (pgs. 75-76)
-Sight Word Scramble (pgs. 77-79)
-Closing and Contact Information (pg. 80)

Okay, I'm still trying to figure this blog thing out...lol. I am excited,but its a lot of work. I am trying to figure out how everyone gets the border around their pictures and whatnot...so this is only a test to see if I figured it out or not. Yeah! It worked. This is a picture of a big book created by my PK class when we were learning about the Five Senses. How does it look to you?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013
My How Time Flies!
This has been a wonderful winter break! I was so happy to spend time with my family. We didn't do much, but anytime spent with my children is priceless. My son is 15 years old and soon will be leaving for college. I just can't believe that he soon will be on his own and to add sadness to my already broken heat...he is graduating a year early...OMG...WHAT...PUMP THE BREAKS! I just can't believe it. He is my first and only son. He is the most wonderful son in the world. We have been through many ups and downs and he has not complained once...unlike me. He gets that trait from my mother....lol I feel so blessed and I thank God for him everyday. I love you...Poppa

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