She has Parkinson’s and
it has slowed her down a bit and so she will be with me until after the holidays. I wish it could be forever. Let's keep our fingers crossed. I am delighted that she is here because it is so hard to share with her what I
am doing since she doesn't have the internet and it is a lot trying to pack all
that I want to tell her in a text message to my sister’s iPhone…lol. Anyway,
she is here and the whole family is thrilled. She is my BEST-FRIEND! Since I won’t be adding anything
else to my store expect one more product for the winter season, I thought that
I would pack it all in one BIG post and so here it is-all the goodies that you
can use to take you through the holiday/winter season. These packets are great
for math/literacy centers, whole & small groups as well as it will complement any lesson plan. I updated several packets and I am still
working on the last one, but I won’t be making anything else until about
February. Also, don’t forget to check out my Year in Review for the New Year! I
wish you all the best and a Happy & Safe Holiday! As Always Thanks for Following Me :)

Activities to last
the whole season long!