Georgia Early Learning & Development
Standards also known as GELDS have finally been made available for the upcoming
school year. I am so excited to share with you these new standards that are
aligned with the Common Core Standards for grades K-12. GELDS will take the
place of the Content Standards that we PK teachers in Georgia have used for
years. They were great standards, but this is much better. I have taken the
time to compile these standards into an easy checklist for PK teachers. The
checklists are color-coded to match the GELDS, which you can access from the Bright from the Start website. Also, I
have divided them into fall/spring, months/weeks so that it will be easy for you to use when you are creating your lesson plans, differentiating instruction, preparing
for a conference and the like. Also, there is a sheet for "teacher's notes" that you can print on the back of each checklist to help you
remember important dates, concerns and so forth. I know that Georgia's PK teachers are ready and excited about using these new standards. I hope that this checklist will make it easier for PK teachers public or private in Georgia or out of state to plan and implement instruction. Click "checklist" to visit my TpT store.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Bloglovin' 2
Okay, I must admit that I really didn't want to do the whole bloglovin' thing...I made it more than it had to be ,but it was SUPER easy. I am moved and I hope that the rest of my followers come along with me on our new adventures in Blog Land. Thank you to the 13 ( which is my number for change- see 13 is not so bad) followers that are with me on bloglovin' that means a lot. Sorry, I haven't been blogging my daughter and son want all of my time and when I sit in front of this computer their faces get sad so...I'm sure you understand. I'm working on finishing my products and getting things ready for my End of the Summer and Back to School giveaways..OMG! My first time...I hope it goes well. Again, thanks and see you all on the other side.

Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Ten Pin Linky Party
Let's Party! I know I'm late...sorry.
I was so busy yesterday with my son's writer's workshop and then we stayed at the library with the girls to watch a movie.
So much fun, but I am ready to go to the beach!

#1 took me about 30 minutes to write this one..LOL I got caught-up on
Mel D's blog Seusstastic Classroom! This was pinned on Pinterest as well as featured last year on Classroom Management Linky Party.
#2 How cute is this! This a great pin from Mrs. Ricca's Kindergarten blog. This is a great management system!
#3 How about cocoa with the teacher!
Visit The Creative Classroom or Pinterest to see how to implement this management system in your classroom.

#4 This is a great little management system to aid in the art of tattling. Click HERE to Pint it! Also, check out Amanda at First Grade Garden for more great management ideas.
#5 The title says it all. Click HERE to Pin it!
# 6 Body Language & Classroom Management
Click HERE to see why he is so happy!
#7 I wish I had this sign when I was teaching PK. I can't count the number of times that I experienced my students having to leave a learning center to go the the restroom or any area that they working in for a moment and return only to find someone in their place. the augments and/or crying begins. This is a great pin & it was also featured on Classroom Freebies too!
#8 Group Management System shared
by the Substitute Teacher. Don't forget to Pin it!
#9 Classroom Manager Positions! Can you think up 24 manager positions? I can't, but Rockin' and Teachin' in 4th Grade did!
#10 Please Stop!
I absolutely love this management system.
I am printing it out today!
It's not on Pinterest, but I found it on the same blog as #9.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
I Had to Have It!
It rained today :( I couldn't go running. I have ran in the rain before, but I wan't feeling a "Rocky" moment. I also had tutoring at 9 a.m and I stayed up so late again last night. I started talking to my mommy at about 3:45-yes, in the morning until about 6:30 then I took a nap and got back up around 8 or so..I'm tired nopw so please excurse excuse any typos. This is the only think thing that got me through the day. What was yours?

Sunday, June 16, 2013
Super Soul Sunday & Freebie Too!
I love Super Soul Sunday with Oprah! It really gets your mind thinking. It has helped me to learn more about myself (realize what I didn't want to realize :) as well as has helped me to continue my spiritual journey to become more one with God and the plans that He has for my life. If you ever get a chance to watch it please really is a life-changer! I leave you with this & a freebie too: Bishop T.D. Jakes: How to Use Your Time Effectively and Purposefully
Click HERE for your freebie! Keep it Peachie

Saturday, June 15, 2013
Good Morning Bloggers!
Well, it is 8:08 on a beautiful Saturday morning after all the rain. Today I am going to do absolutely NOTHING, but sleep. I haven't slept since yesterday...I know...working! So I am saying good night and have a great day and I will see you all tomorrow.

Friday, June 14, 2013
Five for Friday!
There are so many parties that I can't keep up! However, this is one party that I can't miss! How much fun is it to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching every Friday?! It's great fun to share my Five for Friday with you!
1. I just finished writing my post cards to send to my kindergarten class that I long termed for the this year!
I wish that I would have known
2. Why am I still working on my Community Helper's lesson plan? I am trying to wrap it up, but I keep adding to it. I changed the cover and I added more activities. I MUST find an end to this!Not to mention that I am working on at least six different ideas. When my ideas hit me-I set them up on my computer so that I won't forget. Does anyone else have this problem when working on their lessons?
3. Children love to be active and since I taught PK for so long I really don't know how to sit still..LOL I got this ball activity from our wonderful teacher resource center that the county is trying to close!
4. SOAPBOX: I love-love-love my county's teacher resource center. My husband calls it The Teacher Hall of Fame! It is a place where I get to go and share ideas, "teacher-talk" and make AMAZING things for my class for little of nothing. I have spent hours upon hours there. It is filled with games to make, die-cuts, computers, button makers, books & resources to check-out just to name a few, but most of all it is filled with TEACHERS! It is filled with teachers from public, private, home-schools and so on. It's main focus is to help special need students which is really wonderful. Parents of special need students can come and check- out materials for their child. It is really an amazing place. It is a place where teachers can build relationships with other teachers and network. I just don't understand why something so important is on the chopping block. The center's hours & days have been cut. They have fired & forced fantastic workers into early retirement as well as relocated others. Teachers don't get paid a lot of money...we teach because it is our life's calling. Why is it that when it is for us and our students we get short-handed and put at the back of the line or left out to fend for ourselves?
Okay..back to the party!
Cleaver Catch is the name of this learning activity. I have about six of them, but none of them are in my grade range. I keep them because you never know! Anyway, I wanted to make my own "cleaver catch" so I went to the Dollar Tree and I purchased a beach ball. Then I outlined the ball into sections and just added random questions....some which are not K appropriate :/
Ta-da! My very own cleaver catch! However, I think that this would be great for everyone so I am creating a set to give away as a freebie! (I need a name-any ideas? ) All you have to do is print the questions out onto clear labels and randomly place them on your beach ball. Directions will be included.

Thursday, June 13, 2013
Ten Pin Linky Party!
What a great idea for a linky party! I linked up with Ashley at Just Reed to share my obsession 10 favorite Pinterest Pins related to a given topic. This week Ashley chose Classroom Decor!
Let's Knock'em Down!
1. I adore the way Michelle at Apples and ABC's decorated her classroom for open house. It is so fun and full of color which I love! She also did an awesome job at displaying what her children was more than just art.
2. This is one of my absolute favorites! I don't know if this counts as decor, but the dots are really cute! This idea will for sure eliminate running, pushing and "sticking" line. This is a classroom saver! I would love to give credit to this awesome idea, but my Pinterest button won't go the website. If you know the person please inform me so that I can give credit where credit is due. THX
3. Anything that School Girl Style creates is AWESOME! She really takes decorating your classroom to another level. I love the Road Trip theme because learning is a continuous journey.
This is the perfect classroom decor for me. 
4. I am crazy for polka- dots! Erica Bohrer really hit it out of the ball park with all her amazing designs for the upcoming school year. Polka-dots are taking over in every color and I simply love it!

5. What a wonderful DIY shared by A First Grade Journey is a great way to add additional seating to any classroom....Can anyone say CHEVRON?!

Great Job Mrs. Hubble!
7. This is so adorable! Please visit Squish Preschool Ideas
for a variety of classroom decor ideas!
8. I'm not a math genius, but I think this is an awesome way to tell time. If you want it click HERE to order.
9. This is a great addition to any classroom!
Follow the link to pin-it!
10. I don't turn on the lights in my classroom. I use natural like which I love! I like this because it is not too bright and I can use it where I might need extra lighting w/o having to turn on the classroom lights. Also, if you know who created this please let me know so that I can give credit. Click HERE to pin-it!

Monday, June 10, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Teachie-Peachie Summer Freebie!
I am tutoring this summer!! Okay, I know I should be taking a break,but how can you take a break when there is still so much learning to be done :) I started tutoring about two weeks ago..not sure why I haven't been blogging about :/ it. Anyway, I thought that I would give away a FREEBIE!! Yes F-R-E-E! I started making it and then I stopped because my student really didn't need the practice. She's going to first grade and I made it for another student that I was going to tutor who really needed it, but that's another story :( Okay, just click HERE and enjoy!

Saturday, June 8, 2013
Favorite Things...Morning Must Haves :)
Wow...What a day! It is 3:45 EST and I am still up blogging. I need sleep!! We are linking up all over the place. It is so wonderful to be able to share a bit of my life with you. Halle at Across the Hall in 2nd Grade has created the cutest linky party for us to share our "must-haves" in the morning. Please follow the link and join the fun! The more we get together the peachier we will be!

Friday, June 7, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Junie B. Jones & the Stupid Smelly Bus Tour!
We met Junie B. Jones today and it was a wonderful-delight! My son had a writing workshop today at the library and on my way back from my walk with Chloe in downtown Decatur we saw the BUS! This wonderful, pink-bubble gum colored bus! We stopped in our tracks as the bus parallel parked in front of the library. I think I was more excited than Chloe...LOL. I love a FREEBIE and this was a free event. We ran down the stairs to get in line and wait for the interactive story-time by Junie B. herself and Mr. Woo-the bus driver. The girl that portrayed Junie B. was just as energetic as the character in the book. After the performance, we met the actors and Chloe took pictures and got her book stamped. We all had a great time! What freebies does your local library sponsor during the summer?
Chloe and Junie B. Jones

Sunday, June 2, 2013
Currently June!
I am so excited to link up with Oh'Boy 4th Grade to share my "currently" and thanks Lorena @ Little Treasures for the invite! I am so enjoy listening to the cars go by outside my window.I know that this can be a distraction for most people... I watch House Hunters, but it has become soothing to me. I am loving being home with my family. My children are use to me being a stay-at-home mom and so when I took the position as a kindergarten teacher; my household had a lot of adjusting to do when I decided to go back to work. I had a lot of adjusting to do... having to be in my class and ready by 7:20 getting home at after 5 or even 7 depending on my day was overwhelming. Okay...I am a bit of a work-alcoholic! OMG! I am thinking that the more I organize- the more I need to organize. I love organizing and having everything in their own special place. However, that doesn't always work with a husband, two kids and dog, which leads me to wanting a new house that has another bathroom and stairs and one more room.
I love stairs...I can see myself gliding down them now in my long white-silk..okay, I carried away. Yeah, I need a new house because I don't want to hear you or your television in the next room...LOL I am needing to really finalize my wonderful son's birthday plans. He's turning 16 and I am happy-sad-scared-all emotions, but I already posted that. Now let's PARTY! Okay, he's not the partying type of guy well that's what he tells me. (I'll ask the same question when he turns 21.) Peachie-Question: Would it be wrong for me to throw him a surprise party even though he didn't ask for one? I would love to get party suggestions! I was thinking about just having a dinner with his family and close friends. Next, the essentials for vacations are books for the whole family. My kids grab their books every time they leave the house. I have to take laughter on my vacation laughter is good all the time and much needed even when things seem grim. I can't forget my camera to capture all of my vacation memories. If you can't go away on vacation take time for yourself and spend plenty of time with your family & friends or you will burn out before fall break.

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