There are so many parties that I can't keep up! However, this is one party that I can't miss! How much fun is it to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching every Friday?! It's great fun to share my Five for Friday with you!
1. I just finished writing my post cards to send to my kindergarten class that I long termed for the this year!
I wish that I would have known
2. Why am I still working on my Community Helper's lesson plan? I am trying to wrap it up, but I keep adding to it. I changed the cover and I added more activities. I MUST find an end to this!Not to mention that I am working on at least six different ideas. When my ideas hit me-I set them up on my computer so that I won't forget. Does anyone else have this problem when working on their lessons?
3. Children love to be active and since I taught PK for so long I really don't know how to sit still..LOL I got this ball activity from our wonderful teacher resource center that the county is trying to close!
4. SOAPBOX: I love-love-love my county's teacher resource center. My husband calls it The Teacher Hall of Fame! It is a place where I get to go and share ideas, "teacher-talk" and make AMAZING things for my class for little of nothing. I have spent hours upon hours there. It is filled with games to make, die-cuts, computers, button makers, books & resources to check-out just to name a few, but most of all it is filled with TEACHERS! It is filled with teachers from public, private, home-schools and so on. It's main focus is to help special need students which is really wonderful. Parents of special need students can come and check- out materials for their child. It is really an amazing place. It is a place where teachers can build relationships with other teachers and network. I just don't understand why something so important is on the chopping block. The center's hours & days have been cut. They have fired & forced fantastic workers into early retirement as well as relocated others. Teachers don't get paid a lot of money...we teach because it is our life's calling. Why is it that when it is for us and our students we get short-handed and put at the back of the line or left out to fend for ourselves?
Okay..back to the party!
Cleaver Catch is the name of this learning activity. I have about six of them, but none of them are in my grade range. I keep them because you never know! Anyway, I wanted to make my own "cleaver catch" so I went to the Dollar Tree and I purchased a beach ball. Then I outlined the ball into sections and just added random questions....some which are not K appropriate :/
Ta-da! My very own cleaver catch! However, I think that this would be great for everyone so I am creating a set to give away as a freebie! (I need a name-any ideas? ) All you have to do is print the questions out onto clear labels and randomly place them on your beach ball. Directions will be included.

Great idea to create your own clever catch! Thanks for stopping over to Hoots N Hollers--I am you newest follower...
Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers the name! My goodness everyone has such too cute blog names! Thanks for following me!