Sunday, June 2, 2013

Currently June!

I am so excited to link up with Oh'Boy 4th Grade  to share my "currently" and thanks Lorena @ Little Treasures for the invite!  I am so enjoy listening to the cars go by outside my window.I know that this can be a distraction for most  people... I watch House Hunters, but  it has become soothing to me. I am loving  being home with my family. My children are use to me being a stay-at-home mom and so when I took the position as a kindergarten teacher; my household had a lot of adjusting to do when I decided to go back to work. I had a lot of adjusting to do... having to be in my class and ready by 7:20 getting home at after 5 or even 7 depending on my day was overwhelming. Okay...I am a bit of a work-alcoholic! OMG! I am  thinking that the more I organize- the more I need to organize. I love organizing and having everything in their own special place. However, that doesn't always work with a husband, two kids and dog, which leads me to wanting a new house that has another bathroom and stairs and one more room. 

I love stairs...I can see myself gliding down them now in my long white-silk..okay, I carried away. Yeah, I need a new house because I don't want to hear you or your television in the next room...LOL I am needing to really finalize my wonderful son's birthday plans. He's turning 16 and I am happy-sad-scared-all emotions, but I already  posted that. Now let's PARTY! Okay, he's not the partying type of guy well that's what he tells me. (I'll ask the same question when he turns 21.) Peachie-Question: Would it be wrong for me to throw him a surprise party even though he didn't ask for one? I would love to get party suggestions! I was thinking about just having a dinner with his family and close friends. Next, the essentials  for vacations are books for the whole family. My kids grab their books every time they leave the house. I have to take laughter on my vacation  laughter is good all the time and much needed even when things seem grim. I can't forget my camera to capture all of my vacation  memories. If you can't go away on vacation take time for yourself and spend plenty of time with your family & friends or you will burn out before fall break.  


  1. Your blog is cute! I would love to have your organizational skills!!! So much to organize. I just start throwing or giving my stuff away so there is less to organize. It is amazing how much "stuff" can accumulate in one tiny classroom! I used to teach K, but I am in 1st (for 12 years now). I'm your newest follower.

    1. Thanks!Mrs. Mariano. My husband would love for me to have YOUR organizational skills. He just throws any and everything out or gives it away as well. I know one teacher who throws out all of worksheets at the end of every school year and starts over. I can't do that because I think that is such a waste of paper...I don't think she is recycling. Plus, I don't want to keep printing and looking for those worksheets again. Yes, you can accumulate a lot in one tiny classroom, in one house and my BFF has a lot in her car!

  2. I found your blog through the Currently linky. I love the idea of bringing a camera on vacation. My boyfriend is a photographer so that is usually his item to remember to pack. I wouldn't have a clue where to begin with all the batteries, lenses, and flashes he uses. :)

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten

    1. Hi Erin,

      Thanks!My husband is a photographer in his spare time.(He majored in it college, but that's not his livelihood.)I have to bring my own camera because he is so "touchy" about his-whatever! I let him worry about the accessories for his camera and I bring my own-only batteries needed.I have to be in charge of capturing my own memories. We see things through two different lenses.

  3. Love the title of your blog. I found your blog through the Currently link. Good luck finalizing your son's 16th birthday party plans. I'm sure it will be grand. I am your newest follower!

    Shepherd's Shining Stars

    1. Thanks Mrs. Shepherd! I thought the title might be a little corny,but I am from Georgia-a southern girl so I love it too. I am still working on the party. It's hard to plan for someone who really doesn't ask for anything. He has always been happy with whatever we were able to give or do for him. We really just want to show our appreciation to him for being such an awesome-wonderful-fantastic-amazing son!

  4. Congrats to your son on his 16th birthday! Fun times for him and nervous times for you ahead. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  5. Thanks Lori!I know...I'm sure my mother was just as nervous especially since I was the first girl after three boys:0


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